
The economy and jobs

We are living through a moment of profound economic crisis, in part shaped by Covid – but in part the result of a hard Brexit. Livelihoods, pay and conditions are all at risk.

The imperial measurements fiasco is another sign that government-via-culture-war doesn’t work

Technical solutions to the Northern Ireland Protocol are possible. But the politics of it look extremely tough

Rees-Mogg puts Britain back on path to EU single market

Regional inequalities worsen as post-Brexit funds fail to match EU

Should the government of United Arab Emirates or the UK own P&O Ferries?  

The politics of the Spring Statement are illogical for the post-Brexit Conservative Party

UK manufacturing exports fall sharply. Does it matter?

Fact check: P&O’s mass ‘fire and rehire’ of staff is a moral outrage but the links to Brexit are limited

Bad, a joke or both? The government promises £1bn to business in new deregulation drive

60% of England needs ‘levelling up’ – new report