‘Tell Boris to back off!’ Borders Communities protest to defend Northern Ireland Protocol
Events planned to say a resounding ‘no’ to activating Article 16
Like so much of the Brexit debate, the dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol is taking place without enough listening to the voices of those that benefit from the open border.
Borders Communities Against Brexit are a longstanding grassroots movement “of people from all sectors – business, community, farming – as well as individuals who have come together out of concern that the North’s remain vote will not be respected”.
They are now organising across communities to raise the alarm against the UK government threat to activate Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol. If Boris Johnson pursues this threat to its conclusion it would amount to unilaterally suspending compliance with the provisions that the UK government dislikes.
On the 20th November, the campaign are organising protests in five locations:
- Flurry Bridge, Carrickcarnon
- Belcoo-Blacklion
- Moybridge, Aughnacloy
- Lifford Bridge
- Bridgend, Derry
Declan Fearon, chair of the campaign group, said:
“Recent British Government statements and actions are posing a very direct threat to the peace process, the all-island economy and raising once again the horrific prospect of a return to a hard border in Ireland. Communities, businesses, workers, farmers and students along the border want the Protocol to be implemented in order to protect jobs, livelihoods and community life on this island.
“Businesses, manufacturers and farmers are benefitting from the Protocol and thousands of jobs are being created and secured as a direct result of it. The Protocol has mitigated the worst effects of Brexit for communities such as ours. The majority of people and political parties in the North opposed Brexit and support the Protocol as the key mechanism to prevent a hard border and protect the all-island economy and Good Friday Agreement.
“Communities along the border are determined not to be dragged back to the past. It is shocking after years of Brexit uncertainty for border communities, that a deal which was signed only a very short time ago is being torn apart. We will not allow any re-imposition of a hard border and the untold social and economic damage this would cause.”
For more information on the campaign check out their Facebook group.
November 18, 2021
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