Promises broken as EU roaming charges set to return
EE have announced they will bring back roaming charges for UK citizens when they’re travelling in the EU. There are fears other operators could follow their lead. In 2017, additional ‘roaming’ charges were abolished across the whole EU in a big victory for consumer rights campaigners. Now Brexit has happened, the UK has lost these protections.
How it started
Express newspaper 13th Sept 2018: “Brexit lies EXPOSED: Mobile roaming charges WON’T come back for Brits travelling to EU”

How it’s going
Express newspaper 24 June 2021: “’You voted for it!’ Gloating Remainers spark Brexit fury as Brits hit with EU roaming fees”

What the experts say
Rocio Concha, Which? Director of Policy and Advocacy, called on the UK and EU to strike an agreement that would protect EU citizens in the UK (and vice versa) from unfair charges:
“The UK and EU must also urgently strike a deal on roaming charges to stop companies chipping away at the roaming benefits customers have become used to and to ensure the high charges consumers used to face do not return.”
August 7, 2021
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