ONLINE EVENT: Is the Human Rights Act at risk?
In the second event of our Brexit Spotlight 60-Minute Briefing Series, we talk to two experts about the government’s consultation on reviewing and ‘updating’ the Human Rights Act.

When: 6pm, Monday 7th Feb (UK time)
Where: Online webinar
Professor Francesca Klug is Visiting Professor at LSE Human Rights. Having assisted the then Labour government in devising a model for incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law, she is one of the architects of the Human Rights Act.
Dr Natalie Sedacca is Lecturer in law at Exeter University, where she specialises in human rights, employment and migration law. Before moving to academia she worked in legal practice for 9 years using the Human Rights Act to pursue claims against the police and public authorities.
Q&A host:
Laura Parker is a member of Another Europe Is Possible’s National Committee. A Labour Party activist, she was previously the National Coordinator of Momentum and is now working with Labour for a New Democracy, an alliance pushing for proportional representation.
Opposition to the Human Rights Act and the ECHR has long been a cause célèbre on the right wing of the Conservative Party, though for many years this has been largely restricted to complaints and bluster.
Now a ‘consultation’ on Human Rights Reform has been announced, with many of our precious freedoms under threat. It’s the latest sign of the UK government’s authoritarian agenda. So, how worried should we be?
In this Brexit Spotlight 60-Minute Briefing we talk to two experts about why the Human Rights Act matters, what it’s delivered for oppressed and marginalised groups, and the practical ways it’s been used to protect fundamental rights. We take a look at the government’s proposals for ‘reform’ and why we need to rapidly sound the alarm.
What are the Brexit Spotlight 60-Minute Briefings? Online webinars with experts and campaigners offering a “what you need to know” breakdown of a complex issue. They take place over Zoom and are hosted and run by the Another Europe Is Possible campaign.
How do I participate? This events series is open to members of Another Europe Is Possible. To join – and receive a Zoom link inviting you to the event – go to Another
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January 16, 2022
Brexit Spotlight is run by Another Europe Is Possible. You can support this work by joining us today. The website is a resource to encourage debate and discussion. Published opinions do not necessarily represent those of Another Europe.